Monday 14 May 2018

Make Play Dates More Interesting With Children’s Baking Book

Children love to play around and act like grown-up adults. This is all play dates are about to children. They gather together with their best friends and re-enact life as they see. Their favourite play time can include cooking and baking with play-doh and kitchen set, and sometimes it could be related to professions like playing doctor, engineer or a socialite! This play time is the way kids learn essential skills of communication, leadership, understanding roles and boundaries in a society. You, as a parent, can make their play dates more interesting with actually encouraging them to bake! If your children have interest in baking, cooking and the likes, they will thoroughly enjoy it.

Baking is safer than cooking, as they would not have to deal with knives lying around in the kitchen. And with baking mix and set pre-arranged by BKD in a subscription box for kids will make it a lot easier for kids to bake! Even as a parent, if you never had a guide to help you learn baking, then this easy to understand book on baking, with colourful illustration, recipes, and guide will help you bake a cake in a foolproof way!  The award-winning creator of BKD has penned down and vividly made easy recipes for kids in a book. You’d be thrilled to know that this book has also been awarded for the best family cookbook!  You can get one for yourself and your children .


Now we’ll tell you how you can make the most of play dates with children’s baking book from BKD:

1.Make them feel like an adult by scheduling a date with them

You can also invite their friends to make things more interesting. Of course, you should ask their parents first and inform them about the activity. Assure them that they will be safe under your supervision. Then, get the kids and ask them if they would like to bake like adults do in the kitchen! They are least likely to say no. Making their play-doh skits come to life with real cake and cookies is every baking enthusiast’s dream.

2.Order the pre-arranged subscription box from BKD along with the cookbook

In these subscription boxes, BKD will already have every item that you would need to bake a no-fuzz cake with your toddlers. The instructions are easy to follow and your kids can take the lead to bake the cake on their own. The cookbook or the baking book will have additional recipes you can try together in play dates or times where you and your kid want to bond over baking.

3.Make sure they have a safe environment where they can cook

BKD will make sure their subscription box for kids has everything you and your child would need. From easy recipes for kids to pre-mix and baking mix, you can get everything in one package. What is even more awesome is that you can order it in your toddler’s name and see the happiness they will feel while getting a package under their name. Their chest will swell with pride and they’ll be happier to participate till the end.

4.Make them choose recipes and work on it together

Let them open their baking book and let them choose what they would want to bake for their play date. You can help them and their friends to bake together and enjoy the sweet taste of success! This time, they can bake their cake and eat it too. Guide them on how to handle dough, trays, and oven. Make sure you supervise the activity. They will surely start to appreciate the process of cooking and baking, and would also want to participate more.

5.Baking will work as a bonding theme

When you bake alone, you either bake for someone or for self. But when you have a friend to help you out, you bond well with them. Plus, it is a lot more fun to do that! Co-operation, dedication, patience, and practice, all these things will get them the result they want. If they fail, there is nothing to worry about. Encourage them to try again and make it better with your motivating and gentle words of encouragement. Let them have the best time of their lives and learn valuable lessons in teamwork, hard work, and enjoying the fruit of a good work done.

These reasons are enough to convince anyone to get a baking book for your children today! You can sign up for subscription box in the UK at BKD. Bake with your kids with easy recipes for children in the baking book. It is easy to read and understand with illustrations at every point. BKD has made baking fun for everyone!

Visit to get your copy of the baking book and sign up for subscription boxes in the UK.

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